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Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Calls for Image Sensor Papers

CNES, AIRBUS DEFENCE&SPACE, THALES ALENIA SPACE, SODERN and ISAE announce a workshop focused on image sensors optical interfaces, which will be held in Toulouse on November 27, 2014 as a part of the Optics & Optoelectronics Technical Expertise Centers (CCT). The workshop is coupled with “Radiation Effects on Optoelectronic Detectors” workshop which will be held
the November 26. The two workshops will share the poster session and the cocktail.

Papers are solicited in the following areas:

Quantum efficiency/reflectivity improvement:
  • Backside Illumination (Back side surface treatment, …)
  • Wafer thinning
  • Microlenses (inside process flow or back end process)
  • Wave guides
  • Anti-reflective coatings
  • Black coatings
Spectral range/polarization selectivity:
  • Filters (colours, multiple nodes…)
  • Polarizers
  • Plasmonic wave guide
  • Integrated optical systems (Fabry Pérot…)
Basic Mechanisms of Radiation Effects on Optoelectronic Detectors:
  • Single Event Effects
  • Displacement Damage Effects
Radiation Effects on Optoelectronic Detectors Performances:
  • Ground Irradiation Tests
  • In-flight Results
  • Impact of Performance Drift on Satellite Performances
Radiation Test Methodology and Facilities:
  • Test Guidelines, Qualification Plan
  • Radiations Facilities
  • Characterization Procedures
Radiation Tolerances of Optoelectronic Detectors:
  • Mitigation Techniques
  • Radiation Hardened Design and Technology
  • Specific Operation Modes

October 3rd: Dead line for abstract submission
October 31st: Paper selection
November 3rd: Final programme
November 21st: Deadline for registration
November 26-27: Workshops

Organization committee:
Jacques LOESEL
Olivier SAINT-PE Airbus Defence and Space
Christophe RENARD Thalès Alenia Space

IEDM too announces a call for papers. This year a special focus session will be devoted to "Novel Devices for Specialty Imaging Applications." The deadline for submissions is June 23.
Calls for Image Sensor Papers
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